Repairing Peeling Corners in Vinyl Flooring

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How can I fix small peels on my vinyl flooring?

Repairing Peeling Corners in Vinyl Flooring

Many older vinyl flooring surfaces age less gracefully than others. The most common problem with older vinyl flooring is when the corners and edges begin to peel up. This makes many people think that they need to replace it all, but this is not so. If your corners start to come up, here are a few simple fixes that will last. First, if we are truly talking about a corner and the surface is not too damaged, you can get some strong glue (Goop is my personal choice) and just tack the corners down. Use a Q-tip to carefully insert the glue only where you want it. If your problems are larger scale, such as an entire wall's worth of vinyl flooring peeling, think about doing a quarter-round border to hold it down for the future. Quarter round is inexpensive and can be painted to match your baseboards. Using an adhesive to tack these pieces to both the baseboard and the floor will give you a seal that will last a long time. Don't get too worried if you have small issues with older vinyl flooring. For more serious problems, consult with a local flooring expert to give you an estimate on your repairs.



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